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Resveratrol in the News:

    Alzheimer’s and Dementia Linked to High Blood Pressure

    Every day, like millions of Americans, Dr. Walter Koroshetz, 65, who directs the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, takes a pill to control his blood pressure. He claims besides the therapeutic benefit of lowering his blood pressure, his medication helps him reduce his risk of dementia and helps keep his brain healthy and sharp.

    Koroshetz is responsible for the institute's public health campaign called Mind Your Risks. Its goal is to let people know that there is a link between high blood pressure and stroke and dementia.

    Koroshetz, as part of his campaign, also endorses efforts to keep your blood pressure down by exercising and paying attention to weight and diet.

    The science underlying his concerns over high blood pressure is solid. Researchers have long understood that when blood pressure rises, it strains the tiny blood vessels that keep brain cells alive.

    "With every pulse of your heart, you are pushing blood into these very small blood vessels in the brain… and when the heart pushes too hard, as it does when blood pressure is elevated, it can cause damage that can lead to a stroke.”

    Koroshetz points to two recent large studies that have revealed an alarming trend among stroke patients…

    "If you had a stroke, even a small stroke, your risk of dementia within the next two years was greatly magnified… So there's something about having a stroke that drives a lot of the processes that give rise to dementia."

    The evidence is clearest for a type of dementia called vascular dementia, which occurs when something blocks or reduces the flow of blood to brain cells. Now, as a result of new studies, it seems that high blood pressure also appears to increase a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, which is associated with the accumulation of plaques and tangles in the brain.

    Koroshetz believes, as does many experts these days, if people really knew about the link between dementia and high blood pressure, they might be more inclined to do something about it…

    "Only about 50 percent of people who have hypertension are actually treated," he says. "So I think there's a lot to be said for trying to get high blood pressure under control."

    The Alzheimer's Association is helping get out the word through Koroshetz's campaign and via a presentation of new research on blood pressure and Alzheimer's at its annual scientific meeting in Chicago. And the group is encouraging people to control high blood pressure.

    "The good news is that we can control blood pressure now," says Maria Carrillo, the group's chief science officer. "We can do that with exercise, with lifestyle, with healthy eating, and also with medications."

    Revatrol: The Most Powerful Health Secret in the Universe: Shop Now

    Resveratrol: The Anti-Aging Powerhouse That’s Good for the Heart, Brain & Waistline

    How do the French eat more fat, sugar and rich foods, plus drink more wine, but still have less heart health issues? The answer to this puzzling question, commonly known as the “french paradox,” is believed to be due to a higher intake of a specific phytonutrient called resveratrol, found naturally in “superfoods” like red wine. Like other antioxidants and phytonutrients, such as lycopene found in tomatoes or lutein found in carrots, resveratrol is a powerful compound that regenerates the body all the way at the cellular level.

    Research published over the past several decades in many medical journals, including the European Journal of Food Pharmacology and American Journal of Hypertension, found that resveratrol (in this case from red wine) decreases the risk of heart disease among other common health concerns. Although he might not have known exactly how wine was able to promote better health, even Plato promoted the health perks of drinking it in moderation. He’s been quoted as saying, “Nothing more excellent or valuable than wine was ever granted by the gods to man.” (1)

    In case you’re wondering, you don’t have to be a wine drinker to benefit from resveratrol. Other sources include deeply- olored berries and real dark chocolate/cocoa. Along with helping to keep arteries clear from plaque buildup and protecting an aging heart, this phytonutrient has many other health benefits too — including reducing inflammation, potentially helping to prevent obesity and protecting cognitive health among the elderly.

    What Is Resveratrol?

    Resveratrol is a polyphenic bioflavonoid antioxidant that’s produced by certain plants and found in foods and drinks that are known to halt the effects of aging. Resveratrol is classified as a phytoestrogen because of its ability to interact with estrogen receptors in a positive way. Plants that produce resveratrol and other types of antioxidants actually do so partly as a protective mechanism and response to stressors within their environments, including radiation, the presence of insects or other predators, injury, and fungal infections. Today, resveratrol is believed to be one of the most potent polyphenols and strongest protectors against symptoms associated with aging and free radical damage.

    Studies show that the most naturally abundant sources of resveratrol (not to mention many other protective phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals) are plants, including the skin of red grapes, red wine, raw cocoa, and dark berries, such as lingonberries, blueberries, mulberries and bilberries. Red wine is probably the best known source, mostly due to its high levels thanks to the fermentation process that turns grape juice to alcohol. During production of red wine, grape seeds and skins ferment in the grape’s juices, which have positive effects on levels and availability of resveratrol.

    The benefits of resveratrol were first discovered when researchers found that yeast and other microbes, insects and animals fed resveratrol experienced an increased life span as a result. Various studies continued to confirm its amazing anti-aging benefits, demonstrated in studies conducted on fruit flies, fish, mice and nematode worms, all of which lived longer compared to control groups that were not treated with this phytonutrient.

    5 Resveratrol Benefits

    1. Has Anti-Aging and Anti-Cancer Effects

    Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals produced during everyday bodily functions, such as eating and exercise. Free radical damage is accelerated due to poor lifestyle habits like smoking, eating an unhealthy diet, and in response to environmental pollution and toxicity. If left unchecked, free radicals can damage cells and are thought to be a cause of life-threatening diseases and earlier death. Consuming plant foods high in antioxidants and phytonutrients has been shown to offer antioxidative, anticarcinogenic and antitumor benefits that protect adults from many age-related diseases. (2)

    According to research published by the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Seville in Spain, “One of the most striking biological activities of resveratrol soundly investigated during the late years has been its cancer-chemopreventive potential. In fact, recently it has been demonstrated that it blocks the multistep process of carcinogenesis at various stages: tumor initiation, promotion, and progression.”

    It’s believed the mechanisms for its cancer-protecting activities involves downregulation of the inflammatory response through inhibition of synthesis and release of pro-inflammatory mediators, among other activities. (3)

    2. Protects Cardiovascular Health

    Because of its anti-inflammatory activity, resveratrol has been shown to offer protection against atherosclerosis (thickening of the arteries that cuts off blood flow), high LDL “bad cholesterol,” formation of blood clots and myocardial infraction. Consuming more has also been shown to help improve circulation and have beneficial effects on glucose and lipid metabolism in some with higher risk for metabolic syndrome. (4)

    Itadori tea, one significant source of resveratrol, has long been used in Asian countries, including Japan and China, as a traditional herbal remedy for preventing heart disease and strokes.

    3. Helps Protect the Brain and Cognitive/Mental Health

    Resveratrol is particularly unique as its antioxidants can cross the blood-brain barrier to protect the brain and the nervous system, unlike other antioxidants. Recent studies done by researchers at the Nutrition Research Center at Northunbria University in the U.K. showed that resveratrol noticeably increased blood flow to the brain, suggesting a considerable benefit to healthy brain function and neuroprotective effects.

    This means consuming more can increase protection against cognitive/mental problems, including Alzheimer’s, dementia and others. Other study findings, such as results published in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, demonstrated that even a single infusion of resveratrol could elicit neuroprotective effects on cerebral (brain) neuronal loss and damage. (5) This resulted from increased free radical scavenging and cerebral blood elevation due to resveratrol’s effects.

    4. May Help Prevent Obesity

    Findings from animal studies have found that resveratrol exerts beneficial effects on rodents fed a high-calorie diet, helping prevent fat storage and regulating insulin levels. (6) Others research has shown that resveratrol may help reduce body weight and adiposity in obese animals, which some experts believe is due to activating the SIRT1 gene that’s believed to protect the body against the effects of obesity.

    It’s not totally clear how this translates to humans consuming foods or drinks like wine and berries, but studies have found links between adults eating balanced diets that include moderate amounts of wine and healthier body weights.

    5. Benefits Those with Diabetes or Prediabetes

    Animal studies involving diabetic rats have demonstrated that resveratrol may be able to reduce hyperglycemia and may also possibility be of use in preventing and/or treating both obesity and diabetes. Resveratrol may be helpful for those with diabetes and prediabetes by reducing complications (like nerve damage and damage to the heart) and helping manage insulin levels. It’s known that this phytoestrogen positively affects insulin secretion and blood insulin concentrations, according to animal studies. (7)

    What Is Resveratrol Used For?

    As you can tell from all the benefits described above, resveratrol and sources that provide it, including red wine, are more than just powerful heart-protectors. They’re also strong brain-boosters, among many other things. People use resveratrol for all sorts of anti-aging benefits, considering research suggests that it can help:

    • Provide powerful antioxidant support

    • Boost the body’s ability to fight oxidative stress (or free radical damage)

    • Support cellular and tissue health

    • Protect against cancer

    • Promote better circulation, very important for protecting a healthy heart

    • Protect against diabetes

    • Protect memory, cognitive health and help prevent Alzheimer’s disease

    • Preventing premature signs or symptoms associated with aging, including inflammation that leads to arterial damage and joint deterioration

    • Supporting a healthy digestive system and improving elimination of waste or toxic compounds

    • Improve energy and endurance

    • Some research has even found that it helps protect against the effects of radiation, which we’re all exposed to in at least small amounts whether we realize it or not

    Should You Take Resveratrol Supplements?

    Because the FDA does not regulate supplements, many health authorities are not convinced that taking resveratrol supplements or extract will have much payoff. As with all herbs and extracts, you can’t be sure exactly what you’re getting and how effective the product may be.

    Dosage recommendations vary depending on your current health and symptoms, but most resveratrol supplements are typically taken in about 250 to 500 milligrams/day dosages. It’s important to point out that this is generally lower than the amounts that have been shown to be beneficial in studies, but it’s not clear if taking very high doses is safe. Some adults choose to consume up to two grams daily (2,000 milligrams). (8) According to the New York Academy of Sciences, studies have found resveratrol to be safe and reasonably well-tolerated at doses of up to five grams per day, but this shouldn’t be taken without speaking with your doctor. (9)

    It’s possible, however, to experience mild to moderate side effects at higher doses, so experts recommend starting with less until further studies demonstrate any added benefit of taking more. Resveratrol supplements may potentially interact with blood thinners like warfarin (Coumadin) and NSAID pain relievers (like aspirin or Advil), so be sure not to mix these.

    How Resveratrol Works

    Resveratrol works by modifying inflammation in the body, in addition to having other positive effects on hormone production, blood circulation and fat storage. Studies demonstrate that it specifically seems to work in some of the following ways: (10)

    • It limits the body’s ability to produce sphingosine kinase and phospholipase D, two molecules known to trigger inflammation. Studies have demonstrated resveratrol’s ability to suppresses the expression and activity of cyclooxygenase enzymes tied to inflammatory responses that damage tissue throughout the body. Although the body naturally produces inflammation as a means of healing and protecting itself, such as to counter bacteria and viruses as part of the immune system, a state of chronic or constant inflammation is not a healthy state to be in. It ages the body and increases risk for almost every disease.

    • Resveratrol has been found to lower insulin levels, which is key to staying young, at a healthy weight and fighting diseases like diabetes. In trials, Sirtris Pharmaceuticals found that those with diabetes who took resveratrol had lower glucose and insulin levels, making it a powerful aid to a healthy lifestyle. It also has positive effects on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) that’s involved in the pathogenesis of obesity, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Researchers have observed that BDNF levels are lower in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and other insulin-related problems.

    • It facilitates mitochondrial respiration and gluconeogenesis. In other words, it helps the “powerhouse” part of cells (the mitochondria) that supplies cells with energy to work optimally.

    • Resveratrol keeps circulation flowing smoothly, preventing arterial damage and offering protection in the brain from memory loss and conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease. It may also prevent other disorders, such as stroke, ischemia and Huntington’s disease, in addition to mental health problems like depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and autism.

    • It’s been shown to have positive effects on vascular endothelial growth factor — in other words repairing damaged blood vessels.

    • Because it controls release of pro-inflammatory molecules, resveratrol thus has benefits for preventing autoimmune diseases. It also seems to positively alter gut microbiota and influences stem cell proliferation and differentiation.

    • Finally, as a potent antioxidant, resveratrol is constantly fighting damage from free radicals that can increase cancer risk. It deeply penetrates the nucleus and mitochondria of each cell, helping repair harmful effects due to free radical damage that can alter DNA. It also modulates apoptosis (destruction of harmful cells) and therefore seems to have anti-cancer properties. Studies have found evidence of resveratrol triggering apoptosis of activated T cells and suppressing growth of tumors, in addition to acting against cancer.

    Best Sources of Resveratrol

    Now you know the benefits of resveratrol in your diet, you may be wondering what the best source of this compound is. Below are the best foods and beverages to add to your diet (albeit in moderation) in order to consume more resveratrol:

    • Red grapes and red wine. In case you’re wondering, white wine has some too but much lower amounts since the grapes’ skins are removed earlier in the wine-making process.

    • Certain types of traditional teas, including Itadori tea, common in Asian countries

    • Raw cocoa (dark chocolate)

    • Lingonberries

    • Blueberries

    • Mulberries

    • Bilberries

    • Cranberries

    • Pistachios

    • Although I don’t generally don’t recommend eating them often, peanuts and soy are other resveratrol sources.

    Different plants supply various forms of resveratrol. For example grapes, peanuts and Itadori tea contain mainly trans-resveratrol glucosides. Red wine is primarily a source of the aglycones cis- and trans-resveratrol. Studies show that both Itadori tea and red wine supply relatively high concentrations of resveratrol compared to most other foods. Itadori tea is a good option for people who avoid drinking alcohol or for children.

    Precautions/Side Effects Associated with Resveratrol

    Although we have mentioned that red wine and cocoa are two of the best sources of resveratrol, unfortunately a diet of dark chocolate and red wine may be decadent but ultimately very unhealthy if you overdo it. The best way to obtain the benefits of resveratrol is through balance and moderation. I recommend consuming wine in small amounts, about one glass per day or less; according to most research, up to two glasses daily for men and one per day for women hasn’t been shown to cause any health concerns. If you do choose to take resveratrol supplements, still aim to consume antioxidants naturally from a healthy diet, including a variety of fresh plant foods.

    While a large body of evidence has already suggested that resveratrol has many benefits, many experts feel that before we can promote drinking more wine or taking supplements to all adults, additional research is still needed. Overall there’s support for its positive attributes, but data is still needed to confirm its effectiveness for prevention of actual diseases in humans. It’s still not completely known how different people react to resveratrol and if some benefit more than others. For example, people with existing cases of diabetes or metabolic defects may need to take higher doses than mostly healthy adults to get the same effects. Talk to your doctor if you plan on taking supplements and are already on other medications.

    Overall, most of the benefits of resveratrol have been shown in animal studies and at high dosages. Harvard School of Public Health points out, “The dose of resveratrol administered in experiments is always much higher than you’d normally consume in a daily diet. You would need to drink a hundred to a thousand glasses of red wine to equal the doses that improve health in mice.” (11)

    That being said, resveratrol is not a cure-all and means to living a longer, disease-free life. It may be one piece of the puzzle, but the bottom line is that it probably shouldn’t motivate you to drink more wine than you already are.

    Article originally from Dr Axe Food is Medicine -


    Important Flu Alert! How to Avoid Getting the Flu This Year

    The cold and flu season typically runs from October through April often seeing its peak in February. The following information can help you get through these months without getting sick.

    The scary statistics

    • Up to 20% of the US gets the flu each year*
    • As many as 23,000 people die each year from flu and pneumonia related illnesses each year in the US*
    • 90% of deaths caused by flu and pneumonia related illnesses in the US are people over the age of 65*
    • Worldwide, there are 3-5 million severe cases each year and 250,000-500,000 deaths caused by influenza* What is the difference between a bad cold and the flu?

    Cold symptoms may include coughing, sneezing, runny nose and congestion. Influenza symptoms include cough, sore throat, fever/chills, fatigue, stuffy nose, body aches and headache. The flu lasts longer, is much more debilitating and could have serious affects to ongoing health than a cold.

    Who is most susceptible?

    While everyone is at risk of catching a cold or flu, the most susceptible are people with asthma, diabetes, heart disease and those who have had a stroke; people who have cancer, HIV or AIDS; pregnant women; adults age 65 and older; children younger than 5, but especially those younger than 2 years old.

    8 ways to avoid the flu

    1. Wash your hands after meeting people, using the bathroom and touching door knobs.
    2. Also, wash your hands after touching elevator buttons; door knobs (especially the ones that lead in and out of restrooms); escalator railings; plane, train and bus seats; pens at work, the bank or grocery store; exercise machines at the gym.
    3. Meditate to reduce stress levels and inflammation
    4. Exercise regularly
    5. Stay 6-10 feet away from people who are sick
    6. Get at least 7 hours sleep each night
    7. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
    8. Drink plenty of fluids even if you are not sick

    What to do if you get sick:

    • Drink plenty of fluids
    • Wash your hands often
    • Gargle, irrigate sinuses

    Most importantly, stay home and rest. You can spread germs on any day before feeling sick and 5-7 days after.

    How can you fight the flu?

    The best ways to fight the flu is to strengthen your immunity by eating plenty of healthy foods such as: fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, especially brightly colored ones like red bell peppers, carrots, sweet potatoes, beets and dark leafy greens.

    Also, almonds, salmon and mushrooms are good as well as herbs and spices like garlic, oregano, and ginger. Eat some dark chocolate and take a vitamin C supplement.

    Take Revatrol to Boost Your Immunity

    One of the best supplements you can take to help boost your immunity is Revatrol.


    5 Surprising Foods to Boost Your Brain

    We’ve all heard that fish is brain food, especially the kind that is rich with omega-3s. Blueberries and spinach also have notable brain-boosting abilities. However, these aren’t the only foods which can help keep your brain strong and free of disease.

    Red Wine
    Certain compounds found in grape seeds may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. A study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that in mice, these compounds helped prevent the formation of proteins linked to the development of Alzheimer’s. Those same grape seed compounds are found in red wine, so wine may help protect the brain when consumed in moderation. If drinking wine does not appeal to you, a high quality resveratrol supplement like Revatrol may provide the same results.

    Fully caffeinated coffee may also help protect against Alzheimer’s. A study done at the University of South Florida fed caffeine to mice specifically bred to develop Alzheimer’s disease as they aged; some mice received caffeinated coffee, some received decaf, and others were given plain caffeine. The mice who received regular coffee showed higher levels of a hormone called granulocyte colony stimulating factor, which reduces Alzheimer’s symptoms by increasing neuron production and connection. For humans, the useful dose would translate to about four cups of coffee spread throughout the day.

    Citrus Fruit
    While the vitamin C in citrus may or may not be useful in preventing colds, it seems that citrus fruit may help to prevent strokes. Flavones, found in oranges and grapefruit, seem to act as anti-inflammatories and improve the function of blood vessels. A study in Stroke reported that people who ate two or more servings of citrus each day over a period of 14 years had a 10% lower risk of a stroke than people who ate less. Be wary of choosing juice instead of whole fruit; many juices contain added sugar and the flavonoids are found in the pulp of the fruit.

    Onions are full of antioxidants which may help prevent brain damage if a person has a stroke; the antioxidants can work to block the formation of oxygen compounds which damage the barrier between blood and brain. A study published in Nutrition reported feeding some mice an onion supplement. When researchers induced stroke in all the mice, the control group showed significantly higher brain damage than did the onion-fed group.

    Eggs are rich in choline, a nutrient which is required to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter which is linked to brain health and memory. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at nearly 1400 adults and found that those who consumed the most choline performed best on memory tests. The subjects with high choline intake were also less likely to have signs of potential dementia such as blood vessel disease in the brain.

    Sex and Middle Age... Are You Still Having Fun?

    If you think turning 45 has to mean the end of having fun in the bedroom, you'll be happy to learn of a new survey conducted by Zogby International on sex after age 45.

    Sex can still be fun when you hit your middle age, but it may take a little more work.

    Nearly 3,000 people age 45 and older were interviewed nationwide about changes in their sex lives. Perhaps this may come as a surprise -- researchers found that Americans over 45 are often unaware of what happens to their own sexuality as they age.

    "In this country with the kind of media saturation we have and where sex is certainly no longer a taboo, it is surprising that people are not more aware of the potential for changes in their sexuality as they age”, says Michelle Van Gilder, director of international marketing for Zogby.

    That said, nearly three out of five survey participants consider themselves sexy and desirable, despite a cultural obsession with youth. The survey was conducted with sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer, best known as Dr. Ruth.

    The numbers are revealing, as 73% of men and women said that after turning 45, they noticed changes in their sexual desire. Over two-thirds say they began experiencing differences in sexual functioning about the same time. About 50% say they were surprised by the changes in their sex lives and over a third were caught off guard by the changes.

    Ignorance Is Not Bliss

    According to Dr. Ruth, such ignorance is a hindrance to sexual bliss.

    She went on to suggest that the need for sexual education is not limited to teens. Older men and women need information about what happens to their libido and bodies as they age.

    "Somehow with all the talk, with all the television, the message is not going through as much as we need," Dr. Ruth says. "They believe they are always going to be 25, they believe the change of life doesn’t apply to them."

    What's more, when properly educated and prepared for the changes in sexual functioning which occur over time, middle-aged folks "can learn to have sex in the morning, to not drink too much the day before, all kinds of things," she says.

    Here are some of the interesting results from the survey...

    -- 65% of men experienced noticeable loss of ability to have erections -- 45% of men took a drug for erectile dysfunction -- 34% of women reported that vaginal dryness lessened sexual satisfaction

    On the positive side of things...

    -- Survey participants said that less bed hopping meant less worrying about STDs -- 75% commented that they've discussed libido changes with their partner -- Over 50% of women say not worrying about birth control has had a positive effect on their sex lives

    To help deal with unexpected changes in your libido, take a Resveratrol supplement every day. Resveratrol supports strong blood vessels by strengthening their walls. It also keeps damaged, stretched or stiff blood vessels from leaking. This all helps regulate blood flow and pressure, so that oxygen-carrying blood is delivered to your tissues and organs—including your penis.

    That’s where Revatrol with its 100mg of erection-boosting Resveratrol comes in. It works to increase Nitric Oxide (NO) and the enzyme known as cGMP, which causes the tissues in the penis to relax so NO-rich blood can flow in and get you hard. Just one caplet a day gives your body the Resveratrol it needs to keep you ready for sex at a moment’s notice.

    It’s the one supplement that won’t let you or your partner down.

    The Link Between High Blood Pressure and a Healthy Sex Life

    High blood pressure is dangerous and affects many of your daily activities. One of the problems with high blood pressure is that if you have it, you may not feel it. As a result, the absence of symptoms makes it a silent killer, one that can be easy to ignore.

    According to the Harvard Heart Letter, high blood pressure can also affect your sex life. It can alter circulation in your body and damage the inner lining of arteries causing them to lose their elasticity making them less able to handle the blood flow to the penis.

    Ironically, if you’re taking blood pressure medicine, you have to be careful about taking drugs for erection problems. The combination of the two can lead to a significant and potentially life-threatening drop in blood pressure.

    According to WebMD, some types of blood pressure drugs can actually cause erectile dysfunction. Because of this, some men find it difficult to stay on their medication. In fact, it’s estimated that 70% of men who experience side effects from taking high blood pressure medicine (such as problems with erections) stop taking it.

    Getting an erection is a highly orchestrated dance between nerves, hormones, blood vessels and psychological factors. Some blood pressure medicines interfere with the production of testosterone, affecting this dance and reducing your sex drive.

    Your ability to ejaculate can also be affected if you are taking high blood pressure drugs. When you have an orgasm, the bladder neck closes which allows the semen to flow out of through the penis. Some of the medicines can interfere with this mechanism and make it difficult to ejaculate.

    Resveratrol For Better Sex

    The good news is that researchers at the UC Davis Med School found that Resveratrol reduces blood pressure. And the higher study participant’s LDL level, the greater drop they experienced. So what is it about resveratrol that makes it so special?

    To begin, the skin and the seeds of red wine grapes are also the richest known source of oligomeric proanthocyanadins, or OPCs for short.

    OPCs are powerful compounds that fight free radicals. They are crucial for supporting healthy circulation, and perform a variety of roles throughout the body that are essential to optimal health.

    For example, OPCs act as gentle cardiovascular cleansing agents that keep your heart and arteries clean and healthy.They improve blood flow in your brain and body, and promote normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

    Essentially, resveratrol is a vasodilator—which means it opens up your arteries and capillaries to rush more blood and oxygen to your organs. Taking resveratrol gives your arteries, capillaries, veins and heart great circulatory support—without the headache or dizziness often associated with prescription drugs.

    Resveratrol supports strong blood vessels by strengthen-ing their walls. It also keeps damaged, stretched or stiff blood vessels from leaking. This all helps regulate blood flow and pressure, so that oxygen- carrying blood is delivered to your tissues and organs—including your penis.

    While you should always consult with your doctor about your high blood pressure concerns, an effective way to get your OPCs is by taking a resveratrol supplement such as Revatrol. Revatrol contains the highest amount of OPCs of any resveratrol supplement on the market – an astonishing 95%.

    Important Stroke Information for Women

    About 700,000 people suffer a stroke each year in the United States, with stroke being the third leading cause of deaths. Remarkably, studies show that up to 80 percent of strokes can be prevented.

    What's important is that you learn how to recognize and respond to the signs and symptoms of a stroke. Along with this, it's important that you learn how to manage your risk of getting a stroke as well.

    To begin, women should consider drinking something other than soda pop. Researchers at Osaka University in Japan found that women who drink just one soft drink each day dramatically raised their risk of suffering a deadly stroke by 83%. (1)

    The Japanese researchers tracked the eating habits of nearly 40,000 men and women between the ages of 40 and 59 for a period of 18 years. This included how many soft drinks they consumed. During the course of the study, almost 2,000 of the participants suffered a stroke.

    When the study period ended, the soda consumption of those who had strokes was compared with those who didn't have a stroke. The results were startling.

    In particular, researchers found that the women drinking soda every day were at a much higher risk of suffering what's called an "ischemic" stroke. This type of stroke occurs when a weakened blood vessel bursts and causes hemorrhaging inside the brain.

    What's more, it didn't matter if the participants were drinking regular or diet sodas, as the risk was equally high. As the Japanese researchers noted, "Soft drink intake was positively associated with risk of ischemic stroke for women".

    Raise that Glass of Wine in a Toast to Stroke Prevention

    On the other side of the coin, another study has found that drinking a glass of wine every day may help reduce the risk of stroke in women.

    Published in the journal Stroke, a decades-long study of 84,000 women found that women who had a glass of wine every day were at less risk to suffer a stroke than women who abstained from drinking.

    Specifically, the women who drank about a half glass of wine per day were 17 percent less likely to have a stroke, while those who drink a full glass per day reduced their risk of stroke by 21 percent. (2)

    Researchers noted that the risk of stroke did not lessen further when the women drank more than a glass of wine per day. The lead researcher on the study, Dr. Monik Jimenez, commented although drinking wine can help reduce the risk of stroke, moderation is always advised.

    "Higher intake can lead to high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation which are both risk factors for stoke," said Dr. Jimenez. "Our findings really stress moderation for women who do drink."

    Another study published in the same journal, Stroke, found that a diet that includes oranges and grapefruits may also reduce the risk of stroke in women.(3) The study, which followed 69,622 women for 14 years, found that the women who ate the most citrus fruit had a 19 percent lower risk of having an ischemic stroke than women who ate the least.

    To help strengthen your body's defense against heart problems, take Revatrol daily. In addition to containing 100mg of Trans-Resveratrol, which is a potent form of Red Wine extract, Revatrol gives your body all the heart, artery, cholesterol and cellular benefits of 50 bottles of red wine.





    What Do Resveratrol and Tomatoes Have In Common?

    Stroke-related news for both men and women that can potentially save your life...

    Below are some noteworthy facts from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's website.(1)

    • Stroke kills nearly 130,000 Americans each year.
    • More than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke every year.
    • About 87% of all strokes are ischemic, which result when blood supply to the brain is cut off.
    • Stroke is a leading cause of serious long-term disability.

    It's also important to know the risk factors. Topping the list are high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, and smoking. 49% of Americans have at least one of these three risk factors.

    In addition, there are several other medical conditions and lifestyle choices that can put you at a higher risk for stroke including diabetes, obesity, poor diet, lack of physical activity and excessive alcohol use.

    OK... now that you're armed with some facts, let's look at some recent research that may help you reduce your risk of getting a stroke.

    "I'll Take Another Helping of Spaghetti, Please!"

    Next time you're at an Italian restaurant, consider ordering the spaghetti. That's because a recent study published in the journal Neurology found that eating tomatoes, in particular cooked tomatoes, may help reduce your risk of stroke.

    Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio tested the level of lycopene in the blood of more than 1,000 Finnish men aged 46 to 65, starting in 1991. The men were followed on average for more than a decade to record the number who had strokes.

    The study found that those with the highest levels of lycopene in their blood were 55% less likely to have a stroke than their counterparts who had the lowest amounts.(2)

    The author of the study, Jouni Karppi, suggests that lycopene helps protect the brain by soaking up free radicals that can damage cells. "A diet containing tomatoes... a few times a week would be good for our health" Karppi goes on to say.

    While the research is not 100% conclusive, it's one more reason to eat more fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes, as part of your regular diet.

    Resveratrol May Help Shield the Brain From Stroke Damage

    A study published in the journal Experimental Neurology reports how resveratrol may help shield the brain from stroke damage.

    Researchers suggest that resveratrol increases levels of heme oxygenase, an enzyme already known to shield nerve cells in the brain from damage. When the stroke hits, the brain is ready to protect itself because of elevated enzyme levels.

    Resveratrol appears to jump-start the protective enzymatic system that is present within the cells.

    "Our study adds to evidence that resveratrol can potentially build brain resistance to ischemic stroke," says lead author Sylvain Doré, Ph.D., an associate professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.(3)

    Taking a resveratrol supplement like Revatrol... as well as adding more tomatoes to your diet... are simple steps you can take to help reduce your risk of stroke and potentially limit the damage a stroke might cause.

    Combined with the additional antioxidants Alpha Lipoic Acid, Acetyl-L-Carnitine and Quercetine, Revatrol is designed to give your body what it needs for optimal health.



    (2) ttp://


    Scientists Have Discovered an on/off Switch for Aging Cells

    A recent discovery found in a molecular switch could help control how quick a person ages and whether they'll develop cancer.

    It’s the job of our cells to consistently divide, so they can rejuvenate our skin, liver, lungs and other organs. Unfortunately, they can’t do this forever, and our tissues and organs are left to suffer and degrade over time.

    Telomeres are the DNA caps that settle at the end of the chromosomes. Every time the cell is able to divide, the telomeres continue to get shorter until they are so small that they are unable to properly divide.

    Researchers have found a switch to stop the beat down of the telomere. Telomerase is an enzyme that helps to rebuild the telomere and allows them to indefinitely divide. However, finding out why some of the telomerase responds to cells in some and not others is still difficult to ascertain.

    The Salk Institute or Biological Studies have realized that the on/off switch in the telomerase may be found in a cell, but when it comes to slowing down the aging process, it won’t work if the switch is turned off.

    Studies in the past have shown that once the telomerase has been collected, it should be accessible when needed. However, findings have proven that the telomerase have an off switch instead.

    This is a significantly major breakthrough because scientists can now determine how to manage the off switch and slow the aging process down. It could also help in finding treatments for many of today’s age related illnesses and diseases. The ways the telomerase uncontrollably divide could also prove insightful when it comes to studying cancer cells.

    Researchers discovered the on/off switch while incorporating a new technique using yeast. They were then allowed to monitor how the cells grew and methods that they used to divide.

    Every time the cells are allowed to separate, a genome is replicated. While the cell is waiting for its duplication, the telemorase is in a sit and wait mode waiting for the process to come to fruition.

    However, once the assembly was completed, the dismantling of the telemorase took place, and it was switched to the off position.

    The off switch is what has given researchers new hope when it comes to cancer and cell growth and ensuring that the cells divide for longer periods of time.

    The recent research done with the help of yeast may not seem very telling at the moment, but the experiments have certainly provided a foundation for future discoveries when it comes to human beings.

    Further studies will be able to help researchers understand more about how the switch works, and it’s relation to both the aging process and cancer. Once they figure this out, they can use their findings to help people live a longer and healthier life.

    5 foods with brain benefits you may not know about

    We've all heard that fish is brain food, especially the kind that is rich with omega-3s. Blueberries and spinach also have notable brain-boosting abilities. However, these aren't the only foods which can help keep your brain strong and free of disease.

    Red Wine

    Certain compounds found in grape seeds may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. A study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that in mice, these compounds helped prevent the formation of proteins linked to the development of Alzheimer’s. Those same grape seed compounds are found in red wine, so wine may help protect the brain when consumed in moderation.


    Fully caffeinated coffee may also help protect against Alzheimer’s. A study done at the University of South Florida fed caffeine to mice specifically bred to develop Alzheimer’s disease as they aged; some mice received caffeinated coffee, some received decaf, and others were given plain caffeine. The mice who received regular coffee showed higher levels of a hormone called granulocyte colony stimulating factor, which reduces Alzheimer’s symptoms by increasing neuron production and connection. For humans, the useful dose would translate to about four cups of coffee spread throughout the day.

    Citrus Fruit

    While the vitamin C in citrus may or may not be useful in preventing colds, it seems that citrus fruit may help to prevent strokes. Flavones, found in oranges and grapefruit, seem to act as anti-inflammatories and improve the function of blood vessels. A study in Stroke reported that people who ate two or more servings of citrus each day over a period of 14 years had a 10% lower risk of stroke than people who ate less. Be wary of choosing juice instead of whole fruit; many juices contain added sugar.


    Onions are full of antioxidants which may help prevent brain damage if a person has a stroke; the antioxidants can work to block the formation of oxygen compounds which damage the barrier between blood and brain. A study published in Nutrition reported feeding some mice an onion supplement. When researchers induced stroke in all the mice, the control group showed significantly higher brain damage than did the onion-fed group.


    Eggs are rich in choline, a nutrient which is required to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter which is linked to brain health and memory. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at nearly 1400 adults and found that those who consumed the most choline performed best on memory tests. The subjects with high choline intake were also less likely to have signs of potential dementia such as blood vessel disease in the brain.

    Could A Daily Dose Of Red Wine Reduce One's Risk Of Depression?

    Individuals over the age of 55 were the subjects of a new study and found that those who consumed an average glass of wine per day were found to be less clinically depressed than people who either drank more alcohol or those who didn’t drink any. This poses a direct contrast to earlier findings that concluded a correlation between alcohol and an increased risk of depression. Before you head to your favorite local restaurant for happy hour, you need to understand the risks involved and reasons behind the latest study.

    Approximately 5,000 men and women of Spanish decent were followed, between the ages of 55 and 80 for approximately seven years. They were asked a series of questions periodically about their habits and lifestyle by way of questionnaire and physician visits. At the very start of the study, there were no reports of any of the individuals suffering from depression. By the culmination of the seven year period, it was found that over 443 people had shown signs of depression.

    As it turned out, alcohol consumed in low to moderate levels were found to have a reduced risk of depression. For those who consumed between two and seven glasses of wine during the course of the week, they experienced the greatest benefit with only a third of the risk of depression. While it wasn’t dramatically reduced as the low to moderate groupings, moderate drinkers were proven to have a lower risk of depression. Lifestyle factors such as marital status, smoking, diet, exercise and age can influence the risk of depression, but the results held true.

    If there is a connection, the effects of antioxidants in wine such as resveratrol could have a lot to do with it and provide protection similar to the way it does for those with heart disease. Many believe that heart disease and depression share similar mechanisms related to inflammation. The antioxidants in wine could prove helpful in repairing brain damage where the depression has occurred.

    Previous studies concluded that hippocampal complex can play a key role in major bouts of depression. When the neuroprotection is applied, it can prevent individuals who consume alcohol on a regular basis from showing signs of depression.

    Social factors have nothing to with the content of wine, but they have been shown to affect depression. Individuals who indulge in a glass or two of wine may be doing so with friends or family members. People who enjoy a social setting surrounded by friends and loved ones can significantly reduce their risks of depression, and the studies could be influenced by this.

    Another factor to keep in mind is the effects of alcohol and depression on each other. Hereditary, genes and environment are predisposed issues to both and could play a significant role in this equation. This could increase the chances of an individual experiencing the use of alcohol and depression.

    Because of the above reasons, the findings should be taken with a grain of salt. The people involved in the study were taken from a restricted populace in the Spanish Mediterranean where nobody over the age of 55 had been showing signs of depression.

    Looking for a single answer in this study is naïve and other variables need to be taken into consideration when looking for conclusions. Other factors come into play when determining the correlation of alcohol and depression such as the person’s health, mental wellness, type of alcohol and quantity. Moderation holds the key to happiness and enjoying an occasional glass of red wine for individuals who find it pleasing to the palate might benefit brain and heart health. However, for those who don’t have a fondness for the taste, you probably don’t want to pick up the habit because it carries a significant amount of risks.

    10 Simple Rules for a Healthy Life

    The following are tips for staying healthy, fit and happy for the rest of your life!

    In order to stay healthy and keep the doctor away, you need to eat more than just an apple a day. Life is hectic and stressful for most people and bad habits such as high stress levels, limited sleep and too much alcohol can make it difficult for most people to maintain a healthy body. It can also increase your risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease.

    1. Ditch the Smokes

    Even if you’re an occasional smoke, your body is still at risk for heart disease and cancer. Recent studies indicate that cigarette smoking can kill one in five people across the nation each year. Smoking is a preventable cause of death and one of the worst habits you could ever have.

    2. Sun-Kissed-Glow

    Tanning beds and sun worshipers are more likely to develop skin cancer and deadly melanoma than those who stay out of the sun. Sun exposure can also lead to premature aging and wrinkles. Sunscreen can help prevent overexposure to the sun and keep your skin looking young, healthy and radiant.

    3. Chocolate is Your Friend

    Consuming foods that you actually like can be enjoyed in moderation. When the occasional treat beckons, and you must indulge, you can still stay focused and on track with a small sampling. A strict diet will only cause you to overindulge and binge.

    4. What’s Your Number?

    You’re doing your body a disservice if you aren’t familiar with your HDL and LDL cholesterol numbers. Your blood sugar levels and cholesterol should be checked on a regular basis and will help you make knowledgeable decisions based on your test results.

    5. Get Moving

    Research shows that a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise can do a body good. Whether you hit the gym for your favorite boot camp class or take a brisk walk, you'll find that exercise has a positive impact on a person’s physical and mental wellness. If you can't fit in a full thirty minutes in the morning, you can break the time up until you reach your full thirty or more.

    6. What Your DNA Says About You

    Your family history can tell you a host of stories about your health. Genetics play a key role in your health, and it pays to know whether your father had prostate cancer or your grandmother had diabetes. Early health screenings can help you stay on top of serious health issues, especially those that run in the family. It can also play an important role in a physician’s care and treatment when they know your detailed familial history.

    7. Make Time for Tea

    Green tea is chalk full of antioxidants that are needed to ward off illnesses and diseases. It can also benefit those who are looking to lose weight. The next time you hit up your favorite coffee shop for a latte, skip the foam beverage and make it a green tea.

    8. Say “No” to Soda

    Soda is loaded with sugar and can ruin your hard-earned efforts of watching what you eat. Diet and regular soda can also be harmful to your health. Although diet soda is the lesser of the two evils, it is better than the calorie laden regular version. You may want to try replacing your favorite cola beverage with green tea or water instead.

    9. Regular Health Exams

    Breast exams and pap smears should be a yearly occurrence for women of all age groups. In between exams, women should also be doing their monthly self-breast exam and scheduling an annual mammogram once they’ve reached the age of 40.

    10. The Colors of the Rainbow

    Colorful foods are loaded with vitamins and nutrients and should take up a majority of your dinner plate. Fruits, vegetables, lean protein and legumes are packed with minerals and vitamins necessary for your body to run right. Healthy carbs are good for you when you replace them with healthy grains such as whole-wheat pasta, brown rice and quinoa.

    3 New Fat-Busting Supplements for Speedy Weight Loss

    When you thought there couldn’t be more to say about weight loss supplements, researchers come out with some new information. By combining plant-derived compounds and methods of experimenting to boost their effectiveness, three new supplements can be added to the weight loss list.

    1. Resveratrol: Boost Your Metabolism

    Resveratrol was once praised for its anti-aging powers by extending the lifespan of mice, but it has since lost some of its magic. Taken from the skin of grapes and red wine, the extract had shown potential in reducing health issues such as cardiovascular disease.

    As researchers began to give up on resveratrol, they found that it had great potential to aid in weight loss. Based on a study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, men who consumed a daily dose of 150 mg experienced low blood sugar, reduced levels of blood pressure and a decrease in liver fat over a 30 day period. A study taken the previous year focused on mouse lemurs. With the use of resveratrol, the primates were able to control their body mass. Lemurs typically gain weight over the course of the winter, and they were shown to have less of an appetite and eat less when their food was supplemented with resveratrol. Because the temperature of their body and metabolic resting rates were affected, it was found to be a significant metabolism booster.

    Recent published studies have proven the theory on resveratrol anti-aging effects by recognizing the pathway behind the energy production and prolonged lifespan. The company founded to test, study and market resveratrol was recently shut down. However, resveratrol is already showing up in a variety of weight loss supplements on the market.

    2. White Kidney Bean Extract: Blocking Starch

    White kidney bean extract rose in popularity thanks to Dr. Oz. Scientifically named Phaseolus vulgaris, it’s been praised as a fat blocker by slowing or preventing starch absorption.

    Since 2007, the excitement over white kidney bean extract has been significant. Based on a study in the International Journal of Medical Science, individuals who took 445 mg per and were somewhat overweight, found that they were able to shed pounds, even while consuming a diet high in carbohydrates. The extract works by stopping alpha-amylase from breaking down the eaten carbs. Carbs that are normally broken down get absorbed in your body’s system and stored as fat.

    Researchers followed 60 moderately overweight individuals for 30 days, while taking the white kidney bean extract. When taken 30 minutes before the consumption of a high carb diet, they noticed a decrease in the individual’s body measurements and BMI. A study in China found similar results, while over 90 percent noticed a weight loss over the course of two months.

    3. DHEA: Regulate Hormones

    DHEA is produced by the adrenals glands, and it’s found to be a natural steroid hormone. The many benefits include boosting energy levels and raising and maintaining the body’s muscle mass. As you age, you’ll notice a significant decrease in DHEA. Researchers wondered if supplementing the body with DHEA could have an effect on the way a body ages. Estrogen and testosterone play a significant role in the sexual hormones throughout the aging process and DHEA has been proven to boost the levels significantly.

    While DHEA supplementation may come into play in aiding overweight men to lose weight, studies have been unable to replicate the same findings in younger individuals.

    The Mayo Clinic summarizes the DHEA research by admitting that further research is needed on the subject before confirming any weight loss results. Other studies have recommended the energy boosting properties of DHEA as a cure of adrenal fatigue and lupus.

    For those interested in learning the pros and cons of DHEA, you can check out the comprehensive analysis from the University of Maryland. Women should take 25 mg and men 50 mg. Because the DHEA supplement needs to be chemically synthesized, you won’t be able to enjoy the same results by consuming wild yams or soy.

    Potential side effects could affect individuals who take a higher than recommended dosage and women may experience oily skin, acne and facial hair growth. Women under the age of 40 should still be producing enough DHEA naturally and should not take the supplement.

    Three Foods to Help You Avoid Heart Disease, Stroke and Improve Brain Function

    Experts have stated for many years that what is good for your heart is also good for your head. Now, both the American Stroke Association and the American Heart Association have stated that the plaque buildup in the arteries that leads to heart disease can also have a negative impact on the brain.

    Philip B. Gorelick is a medical doctor and the director of the Center for Stroke Research at University of Illinois College of Medicine. He has stated that the brain and heart are linked by the arteries that supply nutrients, oxygen and blood. If plaque builds up in the arteries and causes them to harden, then the brain and heart will be deprived of blood.

    Fortunately, there are a number of delicious foods that can protect your cranium and ticker.

    1.) Fish

    There have been studies done to confirm that eating one or two four ounce servings of rainbow trout, salmon, sardines or mackerel can reduce your risk of developing heart disease by 36 percent. There was another study done that followed 80,000 women over the course of 14 years. The study found that the women who ate fish twice a week were 51 percent less likely to have a thrombotic stroke than women who consumed fish less than once a month. Clogged arteries are the cause of a thrombotic stroke. According to Ralph Felder, a medical doctor who wrote The Bonus Years Diet, the omega 3 fatty acids in fish help reduce inflammation in the arteries. This keeps blood flowing to the brain.

    2.) Have A Glass of Red Wine

    Red wine has polyphenols, which have been shown to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol as well as prevent blood clot formation. Resveratrol, which is one type of polyphenol, can increase blood circulation to the brain, which can lower the risk of stroke. Even though there are a number of health benefits that can be reaped from drinking wine, you do not need to start drinking it if you do not currently consume alcoholic beverages.

    3.) Increase Your Produce Consumption

    A study published in the Journal Circulation showed that hypertensive patients could improve their blood circulation and lower their blood pressure by eating more fruits and vegetables. There was another study performed on people who were over the age of 65. The study showed that the subjects who ate three servings of vegetables per day performed better on cognitive tests than those who consumed few or no vegetables. Potassium, which is a nutrient found in baked potatoes, artichokes and bananas, can help prevent the walls in the arteries from thickening. This will lower blood pressure.

    Non-alcoholic red wine may be better for men's health than regular wine

    Red wine has long been touted as beneficial to cardiovascular health, but a research study from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona has found that non-alcoholic red wine may actually have stronger effects.

    The study involved 67 men who have either diabetes or at least three cardiovascular risk factors such as family history, obesity, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure. After a two week detox period, each man was asked to spend four weeks drinking prescribed amounts of either non-alcoholic red wine, regular red wine, or gin. After the four weeks were up, the men switched to a different beverage for the next four weeks, and finally finished with four weeks of the third beverage.

    Researchers found that the non-alcoholic red wine lowered blood pressure significantly. The average drop was 6mmHg for systolic pressure and 2mmHg for diastolic pressure. This represents a risk reduction of up to 20% for stroke and 14% for heart disease. The study did not show significant effects from alcoholic red wine or gin.

    Researcher Dr. Ramon Estruch, a senior consultant in the Hospital Clinic’s internal medicine department, believes these results are evidence that it is the antioxidant polyphenols in wine rather than the alcohol which cause the beneficial cardiovascular effects. In fact, the alcohol may lower the beneficial effects of the polyphenols.

    Cardiologist Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, director of Women and Heart Disease at New York City’s Lenox Hill Hospital, welcomes the results because the non-alcoholic wine would be a way for people who can’t or don’t want to drink alcohol to get the beneficial polyphenol effects. “It’s not so much the alcohol as it is the polyphenols in wine,” said Steinbaum, who did not participate in the study.

    However, Mayo Clinic cardiologist Dr. Sharonne Hayes thinks the study’s small size and lack of a control group may mean the results are skewed. This research, she explained, generated a good hypothesis to use as a point from which to start new research, but that no conclusions should be drawn just yet. She points to the lack of a detox period between each of the four week beverage-drinking periods as a potential flaw in the research. It is well-accepted that when a person who consumes even moderate amounts of alcohol stops drinking, their blood pressure will rise. The study participants could have had higher blood pressure than they normally do at the beginning of the research, which could create misleading results regarding non-alcoholic wine’s ability to lower blood pressure.

    Hayes also pointed out that many previous studies have shown that alcohol is more likely the beneficial substance than polyphenols.

    The Barcelona study was published in “Circulation Research” online on September 6th.

    Drink Wine and Live Longer

    Turns out there’s something to it. Here’s the amazing, real story of the scientist and startup that have a shot at making it happen.

    By David Stipp, Fortune
    February 23 2007: 10:32 AM EST

    (FORTUNE Magazine) — If you haven’t heard of resveratrol, you’re probably too young to have had the experience of gazing into the bathroom mirror in the morning and thinking, Damm.” Resveratrol is the ingredient in red wine that made headlines in November when scientists demonstrated that it kept overfed mice from gaining weight, turned them into the equivalent of Olympic marathoners, and seemed to slow down their aging process. Few medical discoveries have generated so much instant buzz – even Jay Leno riffed about it in his opening monologue. But the key question raised by the news – whether the discoveries will lead to pharmaceutical payoffs before we’re too old to care – won’t be answered in the Harvard lab from which the news sprang. Instead look to a boxy, low-rise building a couple of miles away, an unprepossessing biotech hatchery that got little media attention in the wake of the resveratrol findings. This is the Cambridge home of two-year-old Sirtris Pharmaceuticals. Its stated goal is to develop medicines that have the same health-boosting effects in people that resveratrol had on mice.

    But that hardly captures the company’s sweeping promise: If it succeeds, its medicines may retard the onset or progression of a whole slew of age-related diseases, from diabetes to Alzheimer’s to cancer. The drugs may also have an extremely provocative side effect: They might extend life span. You have to go back to the advent of antibiotics in the first half of the 20th century to find such broad therapeutic potential. For all that to happen, Sirtris, like most biotech startups, must wend through a minefield that will take many years to traverse. And no biotech gets very far through the minefield without a kind of walking contradiction leading the way- a dreamer with feet planted firmly on the ground, a science whiz who could pass as a circus ringmaster, a riverboat gambler with a passion for minimizing risk. Three years ago one such paradox strolled into the Harvard lab that put resveratrol on the map and set in motion events that may in time radically transform the way we age: Meet Christoph Westphal, Sirtris’s co-founder, CEO, and dreamer-in-chief. A former venture capitalist, Westphal, 38, was known for conjuring up dreams that spellbind investors before he joined forces with David Sinclair, 37, the charismatic Harvard Medical School researcher who spearheaded the research on resveratrol. Between 2000 and 2004, Westphal co-founded five companies and served as CEO of four of them, including two hot biotechs that have gone public and now have a combined market value of over $1.4 billion. But Sirtris is probably his entrepreneurial pièce de résistance, and he quit his meteoric VC career to lead it. MIT professor Phillip Sharp, a Nobel laureate biologist who advises Sirtris and has known Westphal for years, says he’s excited about the startup’s science. But it was Westphal’s involvement that largely persuaded him to put his imprimatur on Sirtris. (Sharp, one of the biggest names in science, helped launch the biotech industry in 1978 by co-founding Biogen, now Biogen Idec (Charts).) “Christoph’s combination of skills is very rare,” Sharp says. “I haven’t seen his equivalent in 30 years of working in biotech.” Venture capitalists have been equally enthralled by Westphal, judging by the $82 million they’ve pumped into closely held Sirtris over the past two years. That’s a remarkably large sum for a high-risk, early-stage biotech, and it has helped fast-track the company’s drug development- it is already clinically testing its first medicine, a resveratrol-based drug that promises to help keep diabetic patients’ blood sugar under control. The drug contains concentrated resveratrol and gets far more of it into the bloodstream than drinking red wine can.

    [Read more...]

    Reduce Your Blood Pressure with Red Wine!

    UC Davis Med School Researchers show that Resveratrol does the job!

    If you’re worried about maintaining healthy blood pressure levels, then you should be very interested in Resveratrol. That’s because first and foremost, red wine extract is a vasodilator which means it opens up your arteries and capillaries to rush more blood and oxygen to your organs.

    When you take red wine extract, you give your arteries, capillaries, veins and heart great circulatory support without the headache or dizziness! Red wine extract supports strong blood vessels by strengthening their walls. It also keeps damaged, stretched or stiff blood vessels from leaking. This all helps regulate blood flow and pressure, so that oxygen-carrying blood is delivered to your tissues and organs.1

    The first human study with Resveratrol conducted by UC Davis Med School researchers shows that Resveratrol reduced blood pressure. And the higher study participant’s LDL level, the greater drop they experienced!

    (1) Folkers, K., er al., Journal of Optimal Nutrition, 1993; 2(4): 264-74.

    Red Wine Extract Key to Longer Life!

    Paris (AP World News) 19 February 1998:

    "The French scientist who showed the world that wine is good for the heart has a new discovery. Two to three glasses of wine a day reduce death rates from all causes by up to 30 percent. Serge Renaud states in the Journal of Epidemiology, ‘wine protects not only against heart disease, but also against most cancers.’ His study of 34,000 middle-aged men living in eastern France supports what has become known as the ‘French Paradox.’"

    Frenchmen eat lots of saturated fats, but still live a long time. The results were the same for smokers, nonsmokers and former smokers, he said. There were no differences between white-collar and working-class drinkers. In addition, recent studies in the United States found that a drink of almost any alcohol can lower death rates by reducing the risk of cancer disease. Renaud, however, maintains that wine is the answer. It acts against heart ailments in cancers because of its antioxidant action of the polyphenol compounds in the grapes (the OPCs or proanthocyanidins).

    He warns, however, ‘wine is a more diluted form of alcohol and must be taken in moderation. After four glasses a day, wine has an adverse affect on the death rates and, although it still protects the heart, excess drinking raises the dangers of cancers and liver disease." In the Epidemiology article, Renaud reported a 30 percent reduction in death rates from all causes from two to three glasses of wine per day, a 35 percent reduction from cardiovascular disease, and a 24 percent reduction from cancer.

    He is a cardiologist who works with the prestigious Inserm Unit at the University of Bordeaux. His book, Healthy Diet, is popular in France." Simply Stated, Revatrol gives you the equivalent of resveratrol found in 50 bottles of red wine – in one pill!